Kings of War: Hellfire and Stone
Storm clouds gather over the jagged peaks of the Halpi Mountains in north-eastern Mantica. The gods foretell that two ancient enemies will clash in this desolate, highland region – the valleys will stream red with the blood of the fallen.,,
From the lip of the Abyss far to the north, a power-crazed king marches his troops to war – a vast army of Abyssal Dwarfs and Slave Orcs, their weapons and armour forged in hellfire, invades southwards eager to conquer and burn.
All that stands between them and victory are the scattered forces of the Dwarfs of the Free Holds. Outnumbered, and at first unprepared for the howling tide of evil sweeping their way, the Dwarfs have to quickly muster their troops to face their foes in bitter struggle.
The king of the Abyssal Dwarfs does not seek conquest for its own sake, but desires to possess an ancient artefact that will grant him dominion over his rivals. When the Dwarfs learn of the significance of their enemy’s plans, they prepare to sacrifice their lives to thwart the designs of their twisted and bloodthirsty kin. For they know that if the Abyssal Dwarfs prevail, the fate of all the free folk of Mantica hangs in the balance.
Kings of War is the game of epic fantasy battles, where mighty warriors fight against powerful soldiers in the name of conquest and victory. The world is littered with conflict, though perhaps none as well known as the War of the Quartz Sceptre.
Fought between the Dwarfs and their Abyssal Kin, the War of the Quartz Sceptre is a defining moment in the history of these two warring factions, and now you can join the fight with the new Hellfire and Stone Kings of War supplement.
Presented as a full colour A4 book, Hellfire and Stone is the first narrative campaign for Kings of War, featuring six scenarios that allow you to play through the entire story, as well as painting and modeling guides, an optional Dwarf King’s Hold Scenario and the background behind the epic battles.
Berserker Lord Sveri Egilax rides into battle on the mighty Helbrock
Hellfire and Stone plus a selection of new units for the Dwarfs and Abyssal Dwarfs, including Sveri Egilax, a prominent Berserker Lord who rides into battle on his mighty Helbrokk, sprueless plastic Berserker Brock Riders and Immortal Guard, as well as new heroes, infantry sets and army boxes the Abyssal Dwarfs one contains units not released individually until the end of May!!) are now available to pre-order and will begin shipping on the 25th April.
The Abyssal Dwarfs will get further reinforcements in May alongside a number of repackaged Dwarf units.