Kings of War 2 Pledge Manager goes live!
The Kings of War 2 Pledge manager has now gone live!
All of our Early Bird God of War backers have had their invites sent out and the rest of our backers should receive them over the next week.
The pledge manager is bursting at the seams with awesome Kings of War goodies. Lets take a look at what’s on offer…
We have the Forces of the Abyss and Forces of Nature armies available to add as part of your pledge level or as an add-on. Finally Kings of War players will have a range of miniatures to go along side these two popular armies!
A great range of heroes and units added to Kings of War, either new or existing, which have been made a reality by the support of the Kings of War backers and the great success of the Kickstarter.
Counters, scenery and hobby materials galore from the likes of 4Ground and Army Painter.
And finally, Mantic Games have teamed up with Secret Weapon to bring their amazing Tablescape Tiles to the UK! The Pledge Manager will allow you to add the ‘Rolling Fields’ Secret Weapon board as an add-on, giving you 24 tiles, enough to make any size board up to 4’x6’! Click here to find out more about this stunning gaming table.
If all this has got you as excited as I am then make sure you keep an eye out for your invite link appearing in your inbox shortly!
If you didn’t back the Kickstarter but all these tasty treats have made you want to join in all the fun then don’t worry! Drop me an email at [email protected] telling me you want to be a part of Kings of War 2 and I will get you added to the pledge manager.