Kaylynn Five Episode 01 – Evacuation
“Equal tonnage?” Captain Mali-Lon asked her sensor officer.
“I will double check,” the sensor officer paused for a few seconds, “Correct, equal tonnage”
Mali-Loin returned her eyes to the wall spanning sensor screen and she gently rapped her fingers on the arm rest of her captain’s chair.
“The Surakari never fight fair. Reinforcements must be coming,” she stated aloud.
“Nothing new on Sensors captain. The last warship jumped in about ten minutes ago.”
“Do they know we are here? Maybe they were not expecting us at this planet.”
“With the planet between us and them, any line of sight sensors they have won’t help, but we will be on the other side of the planet in about fifteen minutes. We won’t stay hidden for long.”
Thinking back her days of gravitational physics, Mali-Lon commented, “If our estimation of Kaylynn 5’s mass was off, we would likely get some really crazy numbers on the fleet mass. How long until the Surakari arrive?”
“Two to three hours depending on their final rate of acceleration.”
“Alright, lets get the scientists off the planet. Chart a clear course of orbital escape.”