Kampfgruppe TINA – Cerberus Pattern (Limited Edition)

P-AX001C-WXA few months after the operations in North Africa and the Middle East, several key units of the Wehrmacht were shipped back to Europe to take part in Operation Cerberus. The invasion of the United-Kingdom would need the best soldiers on the planet to succeed. Whether you want to start a new Axis army or just expand your force, Kampfgruppe Baumann is perfect for you!


This amazing army box includes all the following units:

– Major Tina Baumann and her famous pet Hyäne.

– The “Sand Vipers”, a five men Battle Grenadier Squad

– The “Sand Lions”, a five men Tank-hunter Squad

– The “Desert Sun”, a three men Heavy Flame Grenadier Squad

– The “Leopold Tropical”, one Panzerkampfläufer II-C (Flak)

– The “JagdLuther”, one Panzerkampfläufer IV-D (Tank Hunter)

– The “Stummel”, one Schützenpanzerläufer VI-G (Close Support)


All the models presented here are shown in Cerberus colors, used in late Winter to early Spring 1947. Each unit comes with its own V2 card, for Dust Tactics and Battlefield.

As usual, everything you see on the pictures is there: the weathering, the flame effect, the crews, etc. Our Studio has done its best to deliver the most amazing painted miniatures.

The Premium Edition models are not just “pre-painted”. What we offer is the exact replica of Vincent Fontaine’s work, Dust Studio’s Master Painter.


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