Jump to Lightspeed
Announcing the Sixth Force Pack in the Rogue Squadron Cycle
“Fast ship? You’ve never heard of the Millennium Falcon?”
–Han Solo, Star Wars: A New Hope
Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce Jump to Lightspeed, the sixth Force Pack in the Rogue Squadron cycle for Star Wars™: The Card Game!
Once, the countless species of the galaxy were bound to their homeworlds. The gaps between planets and star systems were unimaginably vast, and even if a ship could fly at the speed of light, a journey might take hundreds of years. The galaxy shrunk forever with the discovery of hyperspace travel. Now, a journey of centuries could be accomplished in weeks… or for some ships, even less time. Use hyperspace travel to your advantage with a Jump to Lightspeed!
This Force Pack brings the major themes of the Rogue Squadron cycle to a triumphant conclusion. Throughout the cycle, you’ve been invited to pair your ace Pilots with the best Vehicles. In this Force Pack, you’ll find ten new objective sets (two copies each of five distinct sets), offering some of the best pilots and starships the galaxy has seen. You may fly alongside Rogue Squadron pilots like Wes Janson and Tycho Celchu. Or, you may serve the interests of Black Sun on the ground with Guri, a deadly human replica droid. Every faction gains new ways to bridge the spaces between the stars, and with the cards in Jump to Lightspeed, you can emerge on top of the galactic struggle.
Punch It
Across the galaxy, few ships are as legendary as the Millennium Falcon. Renowned for its speed, this ship can outrace almost anything your opponent might throw at it, and in Jump to Lightspeed, you can use the Falcon’s speed and maneuverability to stay ahead of your opponent.
The objective set begins with That Bucket o’ Bolts (Jump to Lightspeed, 625). This objective bears the “Smugglers and Spies affiliation only” restriction, but it also bears a powerful Action. By focusing That Bucket o’ Bolts, you can attach a Pilot unit you control to a friendly Vehicle unit as a Pilot enhancement. In almost every circumstance, your Pilots are more powerful from the cockpit of their Vehicle, but sometimes, you can’t wait for a Vehicle to appear – you just need to play a unit. With That Bucket o’ Bolts, you can play a Pilot as a unit, then attach it to a Vehicle when the time is right.
One Vehicle you may attach your Pilots to is the new version of the Millennium Falcon (Jump to Lightspeed, 627). Like the past version of the Millennium Falcon (Edge of Darkness, 332), this version bears the edge (1) keyword, but it has gained the elite keyword as well. In addition, the Millennium Falcon features a new Action ability that allows you to remove this unit from an engagement once per phase. With this powerful ability, the Falcon can run rings around your opponent’s defenders. If your opponent attempts to defend with any unit without a tactics icon, he runs the risk of you simply leaving the engagement, forcing his units to focus for nothing. What’s more, with the edge (1) keyword, your opponent must play an edge card to even have a chance of winning the edge, giving you a potential means of whittling away at his hand.
Of course, the power and speed of the Millennium Falcon shine even brighter when Han Solo (Jump to Lightspeed, 626) is in command. This new Pilot version of Han Solo can be played as a normal unit, but he can also be played as an enhancement on a Vehicle for two resources. When played as an enhancement, he gains, “Reaction: After enhanced unit is declared as an attacker, target an enemy unit. That unit cannot be declared as a defender during this engagement.” With Han Solo at the controls of the Millennium Falcon, his ability will keep the Falcon out of reach of your opponent’s defenders, even highly effective defenders such as Emperor Palpatine (Core Set, 51). By denying your opponent the chance to use his best defenders, you force him to choose between an unchecked Millennium Falcon and a sub-optimal defense, which can be worse than no defense at all. The objective set also includes a copy of Heat of Battle (Jump to Lightspeed, 65), allowing you to punish your opponent if he does choose to defend.
This objective set doesn’t just help you accelerate past potential blockers. It also helps accelerate the rate at which you bring new Pilots and Vehicles into play. The objective set comes with two copies of Well Paid (Jump to Lightspeed, 628). This free event is limited, and it allows you to reduce by one the cost and pilot cost of each Pilot and each Vehicle card you play this phase. With that amount of resource advantage, you can easily create a swarm of starfighters and ace pilots ready to bring down the Galactic Empire!
Make the Jump
Hyperspace has brought the stars closer together, and taking advantage of this technology with new Pilots and Vehicles can easily make the difference between victory and defeat in Star Wars: The Card Game. Climb aboard the Millennium Falcon and prepare for battle!
Look for Jump to Lightspeed at your local retailer in the second quarter of 2015!