Judge Dredd: Pre-Order MEGA Launch Deals
We’ve a trio of Mega-City One sized deals – whatever your allegiance, be it to justice or chaos, there’s a Judge Dredd launch bundle for you!
Pre-order any of these bundles by Sunday 20th October 11.59 pm GMT to have the rulebook in the starter set signed by the game’s authors:
This is the ultimate bundle, containing everything that accompanies the initial release of the game. Dish out street-justice or launch your Block Gang to notoriety.
Full Contents:
- Judge Dredd Starter Game
- Judge Dredd Collector’s Edition Rulebook
- Judge Dredd Special Edition Miniature: Dredd vs Death
- Judge Dredd (foot and mounted)
- Dredd: Street Judges
- Denizens of Mega-City One
- Block Gang
- Block Gang Reinforcements
- The League of Fatties
- Free: Arch Villains of Mega-City One
If your affiliation is to Justice (or vigilantism – in the case of ex-Judge Karl Raider) then the Mega Judges bundle is for you. As well as a healthy number of street judges, you’ll have Judge Dredd himself – a one man army, feared throughout the city and nigh-indestructible. With the Starter Set also included you’ll be more than ready to dish out justice throughout the megalopolis.
Full Contents:
- Judge Dredd Starter Game
- Judge Dredd Collector’s Edition Rulebook
- Judge Dredd Special Edition Miniature: Dredd vs Death
- Dredd: Street Judges
- Denizens of Mega-City One
- Free: Judge Dredd (foot and mounted)
As well as the notorious block gangs and the infamous ‘fatties’ of Mega-City One, there are a number of villains capable of taking on even Judge Dredd himself including Orlock the Assassin and Judge Death. Backed up with a sizeable core of block gangers, (supplemented by the contents of the starter set) these villains are set to carve out heaps of trouble for the over-encumbered Justice Department of Mega-City One.
Full Contents:
- Judge Dredd Starter Game
- Judge Dredd Collector’s Edition Rulebook
- Judge Dredd Special Edition Miniature: Dredd vs Death
- Arch VIllains of Mega-City One
- Block Gang Reinforcements
- The League of Fatties
- Free: Block Gang
The post Judge Dredd: Pre-Order MEGA Launch Deals appeared first on Warlord Games.