Introducing the First Offering in the ITC Terrain Series!

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The ITC Terrain Series is here, and this is our first building in the new line! We’re also offering them at a special buy 2, get 1 free promotional discount that runs through Monday, November 30th available in our web-cart.

The ITC Terrain Series is a join venture by the tabletop gaming fanatics over at Frontline Gaming and the manufacturing capabilities of Greenman Designs. The buildings were designed to offer an affordable, attractive and most importantly, practical terrain piece for use with games like Warhammer 40k, Bolt Action, etc.

They are very playable, and what we mean is that it is very easy to assemble them and then to place models in them during a game. The buildings are also modular, you can stack them up as high as you like, or use a single kit to make two different, low buildings. Currently, we offer them in damaged and undamaged variants which can be combined together to create unique buildings.

They have been specifically designed to work with our F.A.T. Mat products (which are currently on sale at 20% off through Monday!), and work well for providing a line of sight blocking, tall, aesthetically pleasing piece of terrain.

This line will be expanding to include more terrain kits, all of which will be themed to match a F.A.T. Mat. These buildings can work with most of our line of mats, but were designed specifically to go with Urban Combat, Urban Combat 2 and our Urban Combat 4×4′.

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