Introducing The Empire of the Eternal Dusk

WARMACHINE debuted in 2003 with four iconic Factions. HORDES followed in 2006, adding four more Factions to the pantheon of Iron Kingdoms warfare, but then it wouldn’t be until 2009 as we announced the second edition of WARMACHINE that we would debut the next Faction for the game: the Retribution of Scyrah, which would bridge the first edition of WARMACHINE with its successor. But as our most recent storyline concludes, so does the Retribution, making way for the next evolution of the Iosan people…

As we embark on the fourth edition of WARMACHINE, all eyes are on the “new” group that will enter the game, regardless of which side of the battlefield you expect them to be on. Thus, the next Faction to become part of the WARMACHINE pantheon is the Empire of the Eternal Dusk, what we just call “Dusk” for short. And within that Faction, the first army to represent them is House Kallyss, a prominent group that has eschewed the insular and reclusive ways of their predecessors in an effort to stand by the neighboring Iron Kingdoms against the Orgoth. But the trust of the human nations is hard won after centuries of enmity and when one’s existence requires the continual sacrifice of others.

What the future holds for House Kallyss and the Empire of the Eternal Dusk remains to be written, but for now, we have a glimpse of what is to come.

Hazaroth, Narcissar of Ruin

Hazaroth is amongst those ancient eldritch who have long existed in the shadows of Iosan society. An immense creature of death and filled with selfish pride, Hazaroth ventured from the darkness not to seek redemption or the betterment of his people but instead to find power in the opportunities arising in the wake of the fall of the gods. He is mockingly called the Narcissar of Ruin by his compatriots, who see his nature as well as his enormous stature for what they are and who are willing to utilize the undying necromancer as another weapon in their grim arsenal.

  • When a friendly undead non-Leader Faction warrior model within 10˝ of Hazaroth is disabled, he can spend 1 focus point to remove 1 damage point from the disabled model to keep it in play.
  • Possesses the Escort and Shadowmancer spells.
  • His Restorations of Shadow feat says, “Remove all damage from extra-large and smaller based models in Hazaroth’s battlegroup currently in his control area. Additionally, each warjack currently in Hazaroth’s control range gains 1 focus point.”


Light Warjack

The Ghast is amongst the first myrmidons developed by House Kallyss utilizing the technologies of both House Vyre and House Shyeel. Drawing ambient energy from its surroundings, like all Iosan warjacks, the Ghast’s cortex was specifically designed to suit the undead minds and instincts of the eldritch warcasters. A masterwork of arcantrik arts, the machines draw even more power in the presence of their undying masters.

  • When a Ghast begins its activation within 3˝ of one or more undead warrior models, it gains 1 focus point.
  • Its head options can grant it the Arc Node, Fleet, Power Field, or Stealth special rules.


Heavy Warjack

While drawn from a fusion of Iosan technologies, the Eidolon is configured more like the House Vyre myrmidons of old. In addition to a wide range of arcantrik devices and powerful handheld or arm-mounted weaponry, these warjacks are also equipped with a range of experimental shoulder-mounted cannons. While the Eidolon draws significantly more power in the presence of the eldritch like the Ghast myrmidons, this extra power is channeled into maintaining its advanced weapon systems and is otherwise unavailable to aid the myrmidon in battle.

  • Friendly models can upkeep spells on the Eidolon without spending focus points.
  • Its head options can grant it the Arc Node, Flight, Force Barrier, or Future Sight special rules.


Hellyth, Scyir of Nightfall

Even through the unfathomable shroud of death, Hellyth yet recalls the distant echoes of her life as a promising scion of House Rhyslyrr. A trained gun mage and warcaster since birth, Hellyth once longed to join the Retribution of Scyrah and become a mage hunter devoted to the plight of her people. Yet the demands of house and duty drew her in an entirely different direction. And while the passing of the gods claimed many in their wake, Hellyth found some terrible strength within herself to go on. Her flesh now dead and immortal, and her house lost to the ravages of time, she sought a new purpose for her continued existence. Hearing the mission of House Kallyss to serve as a bridge between the living and the dead and to defend the remnants of their people who yet lived, Hellyth eagerly devoted herself to its ranks. With the gathering darkness engulfing western Immoren, it seems like an affiliation that will give cause to her iron will—and to her pistols—for the days and years to come.

  • Armed with a pair of Magelock Pistols with a menu of attack types.
  • Possesses True Sight and grants the special rule to her battlegroup.
  • Her Blessings of the Void feat says, “While in Hellyth’s control range, enemy models suffer –2 DEF and ARM and friendly warrior models gain +2 DEF and ARM. Blessings of the Void lasts for one round.”


Tyrus, Nis-Arsyr of Spiders

A founding member of House Kallyss, Tyrus has long devoted himself to the arcane arts of war. Formerly reclusive in nature, he secretly served to further Lord Ghyrrshyld’s most diabolical experiments. Following the War of the Houses, Tyrus withdrew even more from Iosan society as he sought to unlock the mysteries of the Void. He found his voice only in death. Emerging from the shadows in the wake of the doom of Ios, Tyrus sought redemption and met with other likeminded eldritch who had heard a greater calling. He became one of the great war chiefs of House Kallyss, a fearsome arcanist beyond compare.

  • Possesses the Arcane Vortex special rule.
  • Can cast any of his spells after destroying a warrior model with his necromantic blade.
  • His Invocation of Shadows feat says, “Immediately place Tyrus and friendly models currently in his control range anywhere completely within 2˝ of their current locations. Additionally, Tyrus and models/units activating in his control range gain Ghostly. Invocation of Shadow lasts for one turn.”



All Iosans living in Ios were either struck dead or rose as eldritch following the destruction of the last remaining elven gods. All, that is, save the lone exception of the soulless. Both dispassionate and lacking true direction, the soulless were shepherded into the new eldritch houses, where they continue to serve the wills of their more rational brethren. While the soulless were pressed to join most of the new house armies that rose across Ios in the wake of the fall of the gods, they are most prevalent amongst the forces of House Kallyss, where they serve as devoted foot soldiers, often guided by the living Seekers who have chosen to join the new house. House Kallyss offers the soulless shelter, food, training, and a reason to exist.

Dreadguard Slayers
Heavy Infantry Unit

Made up exclusively of newly undead eldritch spawned in the aftermath of the fall of Ios, the dreadguards are the dark knights of the House Kallyss forces, and the dreadguard slayers are the elite heavy infantry of this force. Each Slayer is armed with a huge and deadly Executioner’s Axe, forged from sorcerous metals alloyed to never lose their edge. These nigh-unstoppable immortal killers replenish their vitality by drinking the life forces of those they fell in battle.

  • Each trooper has 5 damage boxes.
  • Possess the Undead and Tough advantages.
  • When a Dreadguard Slayer destroys a living or undead model with a melee or ranged attack, immediately after the attack is resolved it can remove d3 damage points.
  • Their magical axes have the Critical Decapitation special rule.


Dreadguard Archers
Heavy Infantry Unit

The dreadguard archers are deadly marksmen and arcanists skilled in weaving fell magics into their rune-bound arrows. Many of these unliving warriors were formerly trained as arcane archers by House Rhyslyrr. They now support the eldritch host as swift-moving mobile artillery, directing their deadly and explosive firepower wherever it is most needed on the battlefield.

  • Each trooper has 5 damage boxes.
  • Possess the Undead and Tough advantages.
  • When a Dreadguard Archer destroys a living or undead model with a melee or ranged attack, immediately after the attack is resolved it can remove d3 damage points.
  • Armed with a powerful magical bow with a menu of attack types.


Seeker Warden
Light Infantry Command Attachment

The seekers were among the first living Iosans to offer their support to the eldritch of House Kallyss in battle. Not all amongst the living approved of their openness, however, and such seekers were deemed collaborators and threatened for their beliefs. As a result, the seekers serving House Kallyss donned masks to conceal their identities. The wardens among them are arcanists skilled at guiding the soulless forces in battle. They lead the dispassionate soulless in battle, working their magic and substituting their instincts for those who lack them.

  • Battle Wizards with a menu of spells.
  • Possess the Granted: Inspiration special rule, which gives the models in their unit +1 to their attacks.


Dusk House Kallyss remains a work in progress, due to release in April 2023. We’re excited to share more of their army in the months ahead, but if you’re as eager to get your hands on them as we are to get them to you, you’ll be able to do that a whole lot sooner with the preview battlegroups available at Warfaire Weekend in just a few days as well as the online preorders at the same time. (See details here.) Also, check the WARMACHINE app later today for rules for Hellyth, Hazaroth, the Eidolon and Ghast!

For more reading on the Empire of the Eternal Dusk:

WARMACHINE MKIV Lore Overview: Dusk House Kallyss

Empire of the Eternal Dusk Community Q&A


The post Introducing The Empire of the Eternal Dusk appeared first on Privateer Press.