Introducing Icarus Miniatures

Greetings wargamers. We’d like to introduce you to Icarus Miniatures, a new company based in “sunny” North Wales, UK.

Our mission is to create the most narrative and cinematic games and gaming experiences on the market. We want to provide the framework for gamers to be able to create incredible stories on
their tabletop; stories they’ll be re-telling for years to come.

We want our games to be simple to learn and quick to pick up and start playing, with added rules and complexity added on in a way that’s easy to learn but hard to master.

We’re striving to craft a rich and living universe, with an overall storyline that will move forward as we do. We do not want a static universe like some games have. We want the things that players do,
in global campaigns for example, to have a real and lasting effect on the game universe.

But at the same time we want to create a sandbox that each player can set up in and craft their own story and own the story in the way they want.

Our first skirmish wargame, currently titled The Icarus Project is currently in the concepting phase and we’re going to have a lot of shiny new artwork to show you; like these:

Grunt 300dpi

Read more about the Nexus Grunt HERE

Alliance Trooperx2

Read more about the Alliance Trooper HERE

We will be posting a roundup here on Fridays, but to keep up to date with all the news from the Icarus Bunker, be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter!
