Introducing FossilPunk Foundry

FossilPunk Foundry Gear and Ammonite LogoFossilPunk Foundry is a new wargame company, bringing the highest- quality 54mm Scale miniatures as part of its new wargame: Sauriana.

Launched in 2016, this new company aims to inspire a passion for its game and hobby combined, offering competitive play and event organization, dedicated player and customer support, and a growing range of miniatures and games.

Sauriana, the first product from FossilPunk Foundry, is a 54mm skirmish wargame featuring dynamic characters and total player customization – with a heavy focus on the hobby as well as unique, easy-to-learn gameplay with a huge amount of depth and variety to cater to veteran gamers, competitive players, and newbies alike.

While more will be revealed in the next few weeks, before a Kickstarter launches in October, here is a preview of one of the many miniatures to come for Sauriana. Working in partnership Rhinophile miniature for Sauriana game by FossilPunk Foundrywith Zealot Miniatures, FossilPunk Foundry is able to produce gaming pieces of exceptional quality and with a level of detail unseen in past 54mm scale games.

Sauriana will feature intrepid explorers, brave warriors, terrifying prehistoric beasts and much, much more, and is being developed by some of the most talented individuals in the industry.

For more information on the game itself or FossilPunk Foundry, you can visit them at and preorder their first miniature, or check them out on Facebook.

Questions and comments can also be directed to [email protected]