Insider 9-26-2014

Painting your models in an alternate color scheme can really make your army stand out on the tabletop, letting you show your individuality and creativity. I have tried to diverge from the standard colors of the various factions, painting a teal Convergence of Cyriss force and purple forces of Cryx. Today, I bring you my latest alternate paint schemes for the Circle Orboros!

I start off by airbrushing a solid coat of Rucksack Tan over the majority of the model.

After airbrushing this solid basecoat, I hit all the metal areas with Pig Iron and wash the entire model with Thamar Black.

After the wash dries, it’s time to go back and black out all the stones with a solid basecoat of Thamar Black.

Next, I drybrush a solid layer of Coal Black over the stones.

To highlight the Coal Black, I mix Coal Black and Menoth Base White in a 1:2 ratio and apply a light drybrush to the stones.

Now it’s time to work on the purple glow effects of the stones. I’ll thin down Menoth White Highlight and apply this to the recessed areas on the stones.

Next, I’ll thin out Beaten Purple and brush the watered-down paint into the deeper recesses, then drag it out toward the higher areas while leaving some of the white showing from the layer below.

Repeat this process for all of the stone areas. Then add basing materials, and boom! You have a non-traditional Circle Orboros paint scheme!

I can hardly wait for the next convention to check out all the different paint schemes! Until next time!