Insider 5-9-2014

In this Insider, we’ll be discussing another awesome pin: Lylyth, Herald of Everblight.

Much like with the Feral Warpwolf I discussed in my last Insider, the first step for this pin’s design was to collect reference materials. Since Lylyth is such an iconic and beloved HORDES character, I knew her design needed to serve as a testament to her bad-assery and to the glory of Everblight. No pressure there!

The major challenge in this design was depicting Lylyth’s armor and clothing. As you may have noticed, blighted Nyss armorers have a real eye for detail. In addition to her feathered cape, blighted growths, and multiple belts, Lylyth’s armor is composed of intricately etched and layered plate, vicious blades, leather straps, and torn fabric.

Despite my concerns, I pushed on. After all, who am I to challenge the will of Everblight? Driven by terrible purpose, I managed to jam all of Lylyth’s blighted goodness into the pin design below.

With Laine Garrett’s help, this detail-packed pin has really come to life. I’m hoping all of you Legion of Everblight players out there are just as excited as I am to get your hands/talons/claws/tentacles on this beaut. After all, how better can we give exaltation to Everblight?

Before I sign off, I’ve got another big announcement to make: Today, the Privateer Pins site is going live! On this page you’ll find all the currently scheduled Privateer Pins, so you’ll be able to document which pins are in your collection and drool over the ones you’ve yet to track down.

But don’t forget that the pins shown on the site are only the currently released designs—so, make sure to check the catalog for updates as even more designs emerge from the vault here at Privateer Press.