Insider 3-10-2014
I’ve wanted to start a Thornfall army for a long time, but I had two concerns: first, I needed a paint scheme, and then I needed a way to differentiate my many War Hogs, Road Hogs, and other duplicate beasts from one another. I was thinking over paint schemes when I thought, “Hah—I’ll bet if I painted the War Hog mostly red, he’d look like he was Khadoran. Shame there isn’t a Protectorate hog or a Cygnar hog…”
And that’s when I realized I had the best farrow theme idea ever: WARMACHINE. I’d deck out my warbeasts in the parts and colors of the various WARMACHINE factions!
To make my first War Hog a bit more Khadoran I gave him the right hand and iconic axe of a Destroyer and used a pauldron from the Road Hog, banking on the theory that red plus spikes equals Khador.
The Cygnar-themed pig, affectionately referred to as Cyg-pig, needed a lot more modification.
Axes aren’t really as Cygnaran as, say, voltaic swords, so I liberated a pair from a Stormclad and an Avenger. The Stormclad also donated its left arm, smoke stacks, and boiler. I added a few other little details in there, too. Cyg-pig’s tusks are shorter than his Khadoran friend’s and he’s rocking a sweet pair of goggles. He also has a Centurion head as a trophy on his flank instead of a Khadoran Juggernaut’s.
I’m pretty pleased with how these two turned out. They even have matching Razor Boar friends! Now to start on those Road Hogs—I’ve got a lot of Cryx and Protectorate ´jacks to mangle!