Insider 2-16-2015
Being in charge of Privateer Press’ forums and social media means I get to spend a lot of time looking at the amazing models our community shares online. Our Twitter feed is basically a 24/7 feed of incredible paint jobs and conversions, as our thousands of followers Tweet their hobby projects. From beginners painting their very first models to award-winning painters, I get to see everything across the spectrum of our models in color schemes that never cease to amaze me. Today I wanted to share a few things I’ve found both on Twitter and on our own forums over the past few months, and I hope you’ll contribute your own pics soon!
Here is PG_JohnWebb’s hazard-striped Gorten battlegroup:
@Icetaco shared a beautiful Una the Falconer, a gift from Secret Santa on our forums:
PG_Ereskihal painted this incredible Makeda & the Exalted Court:
And finally, a few images from exocorp532’s gorgeous Black Dragon-themed Khador army: