Insider 11-7-2014

WARMACHINE Weekend is here, and as always, it’s a great way to end the convention season with a bang! As you’re reading this, we’re already at the show reveling in a steady outpouring of WARMACHINE, HORDES, and High Command tournaments, along with P3 Studio hobby workshops. We’ll also be offering up a host of exciting exclusives and the latest Privateer Pins.

There’s a lot for WARMACHINE Weekend attendees to be excited about this year, but what about the legions of other eager gamers all across the world who couldn’t make it to St. Louis? Even if you can’t attend WARMACHINE Weekend, you can still get in on the fun by catching our tournament livestream coverage all weekend long—and by shopping at the Privateer Press Online Store for the same exclusives and Privateer Pins available at the event itself!

WARMACHINE Weekend wraps up this convention season, but the next is set to begin in only a few months with TempleCon, where we’ll blow the lid off a few of our exciting plans for 2015. I can hardly wait, but right now I’ll savor the last hurrah of 2014: WARMACHINE Weekend. See you on the ‘streams!