Insider 11-17-2014

Back near the end of September, I showed off my alternate color scheme for Bradigus Thorle the Runecarver. It received such an overwhelming positive response that I couldn’t just stop with one model. Instead, I was going to need to paint an entire army!

I had a few options to choose from with Bradigus. I could go outside the theme force for a wider selection of troops such as Tharn Bloodtrackers and Megalith. The theme force, however, would allow me the use of three units of Shifting Stones. So, I came up with two lists I could paint relatively quickly and still get the maximum amount of enjoyment out of playing.

The two lists I came up with:

Non-Theme Theme: Wold War – Tier 4
Bradigus Thorle the Runecarver +6 Bradigus Thorle the Runecarver +6
Megalith-11 Wold Guardian -9
Woldwatcher-5 Woldwarden -9
Woldwatcher-5 Woldwarden -9
Woldwatcher-5 Woldwatcher-5
Woldwatcher-5 Woldwatcher-5
Woldwatcher-5 Woldwatcher-5
Blackclad Wayfarer-2 Woldwatcher-5
Shifting Stones -2 Woldwatcher-0 (theme force benefit)
Shifting Stones -2 Shifting Stones -2
Tharn Bloodtrackers -8 Shifting Stones -2
Nuala the Huntress -2 Shifting Stones -2
  Sentry Stone & Mannikins -3

Although I really liked the list with Tharn Bloodtrackers and Megalith, I really wanted to play with a third set of Shifting Stones. I also knew that I wanted to paint the theme force; my goal for this list would be to play it at WARMACHINE Weekend!

When I sat down to paint this army, WARMACHINE Weekend was already only a few weeks away and plenty of other models filled my paint desk—I really needed to get cranking. And although I rushed through a bit of the detail work, I was very satisfied with the final result.

Be sure to check back later to see what I’m working on next—that paint desk of mine is always crowded!