Insider 10-31-2014

My name is Michael, and I’m a faction hopper. I can’t help it. Every time a new expansion book is released for WARMACHINE or HORDES, I find at least one new model that makes me squeal with delight and reach for yet another faction. When MKII was first released, it was the Retribution of Scyrah. I love elves. A lot. The Retribution ousted Cryx as my main squeeze among the factions, and it still holds that spot. When WARMACHINE: Wrath came along, I was overjoyed with Lord Arcanist Ossyan, House Vyre Myrmidons, and Discordia! Every time I flipped through the book, though, Constance Blaize leapt out at me. Her holy warrior theme was awesome, and I really like Precursor Knights, so I picked up her theme force with grand plans to convert a Morrowan Centurion. That army is still unpainted in my case, but I’ll get to it . . . eventually.

When HORDES: Domination hit the shelves, Lord Arbiter Hexeris turned my focus to Skorne. I fell deep into that rabbit hole, going back through the faction’s ranks and picking up quite a few earlier releases. I fell in love with Master Tormentor Morghoul and Supreme Aptimus Zaal. I painted ferociously and played a ton of games with my new toys, and I’m sure my friends got tired of my Titan Bronzebacks and Nihilators breaking their lines. I was a full-on HORDES player for months . . . and then came the Colossals.

The Kraken. I needed it more than anything. I had loads of painted Cryx models in my display case just dying to bring that beast out of the sea and onto the battlefields of western Immoren. I became reacquainted with my old friends Asphyxious, Deneghra, and Terminus. We had a great time tormenting the living and advancing Lord Toruk’s grand plans. I played a game here and there with my Retribution army during this hop—how can you not when you’re thinking about Goreshade’s plan to save his people? The two factions practically go hand in hand. My Constance Blaize force hit a few tournament tables, and my Skorne even had a go here and there on my regular Thursday game night, especially when HORDES: Gargantuans introduced the new Cataphract Incindiarii.

Convergence of Cyriss was released at Lock & Load GameFest 2013, and I was able to resist for awhile. I eventually succumbed, though, and painted them up as a treat for myself last Christmas. I love putting them on the table and working toward clockwork perfection. There’s just something about the look on my opponent’s face that warms my heart when I drop two fully painted Prime Axioms.

WARMACHINE: Vengeance turned my eyes back to the Retribution with Issyria, Sibyl of Dawn; Houseguard Thanes; and Eiryss, Mage Hunter Commander. But it’s hard not to pick up a Protectorate of Menoth force. Reznik on a chariot?! I have a feeling that will be coming my way before too long. HORDES: Exigence has me painting Skorne again, and my eyes are wandering to Trollbloods. There are just too many awesome models to nail myself down to a single faction. Their play styles are all incredibly different and satisfying, and no one knows what to expect from me when I roll into the LGS or to a friend’s house to do righteous battle!

Just thinking about all my armies has me itching to put together that Morrowan Centurion and paint up Constance and friends for the next First Friday. I may never master any given faction, but I love the excitement of new models, and I have fun pulling out any one of my many, many armies. If I feel like I’m in a bit of a rut or if I’m facing down a losing streak, I can pull out something new to keep the game fresh. I’d love to hear about all of the factions you play, and what Exigence releases have you primed to start that new army you’d never really thought of before now. Jump onto Twitter or the Privateer Press forums and tell me all about your latest projects!