Insider 1-20-2014
Now that the holidays are over, our focus turns to the New Year and my favorite season of all: I’m talking, of course, about convention season! My duties here at Privateer Press revolve around a lot of careful planning, spreadsheets, and logistics, all in the name of bringing the best possible Privateer Press experience to the many conventions we attend in a given year. One of the major perks of my job is traveling all over the country to work these shows and hang out with the best player community in gaming. We have a full docket for 2014, so I want to spill the beans about where you can find us on the road this year.
In just a few weeks, our crew is heading out to TempleCon in Providence, Rhode Island, February 6¬–9. We’re bringing along a selection of the hottest prereleases for sale, and our amazing production department is working hard to get them all ready even as I write this. In addition to our vending space, we’ll be presenting and live-streaming our annual keynote panel to give you a glimpse of the excitement we have in store for 2014. If you aren’t familiar with our keynote, check out last year’s announcements to see what you can expect from our biggest announcement of the year! As if all that weren’t enough, we’ll also be live-streaming the final round of the Iron Gauntlet Qualifier…and hopefully finding time to play a few games throughout the weekend.
April 3–6 brings us to the Windy City for AdeptiCon 2014, where we’ll be running events and selling prereleases in the vendor hall. We’re also bringing studio painter Matt DiPietro, who will be teaching some classes at the show and will be on hand to answer all your hobby-related questions. AdeptiCon is always an awesome time, and the crew is already excited for these amazing four days.
Just a week after AdeptiCon, April 11–13, we’ll be shipping the whole Privateer Press booth experience to the East Coast for PAX East! PAX East promises to be a fantastic show in 2014. Between our prerelease items, demos of our hottest new games, and the fierce WARMACHINE, HORDES, and High Command competition in the tabletop area, Privateer Press is bringing the game in a big way.
Then, of course, June 6–8 is the BIG show. Lock & Load GameFest 2014 at the Meydenbauer Center in Bellevue, Washington, is going to be the biggest and best weekend of Privateer Press gaming all year long! We’ve got a whole slew of classes, panels, tournaments, and events planned for our biggest party of the year. I know I’m not supposed to play favorites, but I can’t wait to see what people think of our new WARMACHINE and HORDES casual format, “Token Aggression…”
Lock & Load GameFest 2014 tickets are still available so get them while you still can!
After Lock & Load GameFest, it’s a no-holds-barred rush through the summer, when we’ll be appearing in force at San Diego Comic-Con, Gen Con, and PAX Prime. The entire booth experience will appear at all of these shows, and our Gen Con events this year are a mix of new and old that I promise you won’t want to miss. We’ll round out our 2014 tour de force with WARMACHINE Weekend in the fall, and then we’ll get ready to do it all again in 2015! I’ll cover these in more detail in another Insider later in the year, of course, but if you want more information on these in the meantime, check out our convention page.
I can’t wait to see everyone on the road this year and show you what we’ve been working on behind closed doors!