Indiegogo campaign for printing The 9th Age rulebook
What is The 9th Age ?
The 9th Age (also known as T9A) is classic fantasy wargame for 28mm miniatures designed to emulate massive battles of whole armies. The players control units fighting in ordered formations, powerful warmachines, monsters and wizards. The game is being designed by a huge group of volunteers in cooperation with the players community. Game is free and can be downloaded fromthe official T9A website.
The game is supported by a number of independent miniature companies. At the same time it does not restrict you in any manner on miniatures you want to use – as long as they are properly armed and represent the correct races. As a result choosing The 9th Age you have unlimited model range to choose from.
The 9th Age is created in close cooperation with the players community – the project calls it community driven development. Becoming part of the players community you can be sure your voice will be at least heard by the game developers even if they won’t follow strictly your suggestions.
StormRider Games role
StormRider is one of the project supporting companies. We do not have any influence or control over the project and cannot speak on behalf of the project. The project is and will remain independent from any business activities. To maintain that independence T9A has decided not to engage in any business activities which includes commercial publishing of the game. Instead the project provides companies with the license to use their materials under some conditions and based in this license StormRider Games will publish T9A rulebook.
We want to promote the game and it is the main goal of our campaign. We want the game to be present in the hobby stores so everyone will be able to appreciate great job done by the volunteers from T9A. We want the game to be visible on wargaming events so community supporting game will grow stronger and bigger. We want to create a friendly business environment for other companies supporting T9A so players options to choose miniature from will even increase.
Indiegogo campaign
The campaign will be officially launched on 26th of October. The Pre-Launch Page of the campaign is already alive and we invite you all to visit it and sign for newsletter if you are interested in supporting StormRider Games in our publishing project.