Incantris Kickstarter Unlocks Pledge Level!
We have opened a new pledge level on the Incantris Kickstarter page and want to tell you all about it. During early playtesting, a common request from some of the players was to have more customization options for your wizard team. When we demoed Incantris at Gen Con, several people asked if we could make all of the wizards available in all 4 colors. This would allow you to play any combination of the wizards in any color! We put these two ideas together and developed the Wizard Design Kit.
12 Additional Wizard Miniatures – When combined with the core game box, you will have all four colors of each wizard. What does this mean? It means you can assemble the team of wizards uniquely suited to your playstyle. Prefer to play the Shaman, Shadow Weaver, and Sorcerer as the red team? No problem. Want to try the Druid, Sorceress, and Arcane Knight instead? Again, no problem.
Spell Card Deck – Not only can you pick your wizard’s team, you can also choose which spells to equip them with. All of the spells in the core game will be available in three groups of cards, sorted by the spell source. You will be able to pick all of the spells that your wizards can use. This means you can customize your wizards’ builds to find the combination that is most suitable for your playstyle. If you prefer to stay on the offensive, you can drop your Druid’s Breath of Life spell in favor of another Astral spell, perhaps Bane.
Thanks, everyone. We’re looking forward to wrapping up the first week of this project in a strong way! You can check out the Kickstarter page right here. We’re nearing the funding goal, so we should be getting stretch goals up before too long. Please let us know if you have any questions.
All the best,
Heath & Seth