I wanna rock a Mantic Open Night…
and party everyday! Well everyone, you’ve heard me and Jonny P talk about it on the Mantic North America podcast. You’ve heard me make mention of it on various other podcasts. I’m here to tell you that now’s your chance. Mantic Open Night is coming to Adepticon!
The cost for this event will be $20. You can purchase this ticket on the Adepticon website as you would any other regular event. I know what you’re going to ask next, what do you get for you $20. Well let me tell you.
At Mantic Open Night there will be various finger foods for you snack on and a cash bar to whet your whistle while you play some demos with our spectacular Pathfinders. If you already know how to play the various games, then you can play in some of the special scenarios we’ve got setup. There will be a fight your way through the zombie hoard Deadzone scenario as well as a Strider/Stuntbot scenario.
Kings of War has a special scenario that Pathfinder Mike has written. Mars Attacks has a scenario also! There will be open gaming if you’d like to just sit and play with some new people.
There will be a Q&A with Ronnie Renton and a live podcast recording of the Mantic North America podcast during and after the Q&A. Stick around and make funny noises, cheers and jeers! As per Jonny P’s request, we’re trying to get a flaming cow, real or some kind of shot.
Lastly there will be door prizes and giveaways the whole night! Don’t miss out! Get your ticket today!