Hunker in a Bunker!
Our next terrain feature, or “building,” is almost ready for a place on your tabletop! And we’ve been hard at work on the various rules that allow models to interact as smoothly as possible with buildings, so there is much here to discuss.
The forthcoming Bunker is a squat little mini-fortress with a top level that provides cover and elevation for models occupying its top floor, as well as a nearly impervious interior that can accommodate up to a medium-based unit, preventing them from being targeted (by anything!) as well as insulating them against blast damage.
Bunkers are great for scenarios as a terrain feature that can be subbed in for a hill or a building or even used as an objective. And as a bonus, they add some Iron Kingdoms flair to any tabletop.
While creating the Bunker, we also noted some opportunities for modularity that make it even more fun in pairs. The main “horseshoe” of the bunker is a separate piece from the anterior “box.” Two horseshoes can be combined to create a larger Bunker, while at the same time, two of the anterior boxes can be put together to create a small freestanding building that makes a great objective.
But wait, there’s more!
Our first building, the Guard Tower, has enjoyed a few weeks out in the wild, and we’ve been receiving some great feedback about how this first terrain feature is influencing games. Our internal playtesting can only achieve a fraction of what occurs when rules are released to the gaming public, and we greatly value the feedback we get when players are able to put something new into action. The primary reason we’ve embraced the digital publication of WARMACHINE is because it gives us the ability to make updates to rules in an efficient and timely manner. This allows us to stay on top of issues rather than letting them languish in order to accommodate print updates. Early feedback on the Guard Tower has led to some adjustments and clarifications in its rules, which you will be able to see below, and this has helped us refine the rules around the new Bunker.
We’ve added some language to clarify how templates and hazards work with buildings, which has also led to a number of individual model updates to clarify various effects as hazards. We also have outright banned Leaders from occupying buildings to prevent potentially game-breaking exploits.
Terrain features will be selectable as cards in the app when you start a match in about two weeks. Meanwhile, the core rules available in the app as well as the online PDF will be updated soon to reflect the changes below, and you can also find the new bunker rules below.
In honor of the launch of the bunker, we’re offering a two-fer discount during the pre-order period as well as bringing back the discount on purchasing two guard towers at the same time.
Bunkers (and any orders that include Bunkers) will start shipping in two weeks.
Your battlefield buildings await!
Upcoming Changes in the App
Aelyth Vyr, Blade of Nyssor: SPD 6.
Artificer Prime Nemo: Cut Gate Jumper.
Asphyxious the Sanctified: Caustic Mist is now a hazard. Field Marshal [Dark Shroud] – Add the text of Dark Shroud.
Aurum Legate Lukas di Morray: Burning Ash is now a hazard.
Aurum Ominus Alyce Marc (Big Alyce): Jump, cut “Any effects that prevent charging also prevent this model from using Jump.”
Balthazar Bamfist: Protection of the Great Fathers should reference “Rhul Guard models”.
Barnabas, Lord of Blood: Hunter’s Mark, change the third sentence to:
“A friendly model charging or power attack slamming an enemy model hit by Hunter’s Mark gains +2 SPD while resolving the charge or slam”
Baron Tonguelick, Lord of Warts: Swamp Gas is now a hazard. Jump, cut “Any effects that prevent charging also prevent this model from using Jump.”
Blackclad Wayfarer: Hunter’s Mark, change the third sentence to:
“A friendly model charging or power attack slamming an enemy model hit by Hunter’s Mark gains +2 SPD while resolving the charge or slam”
Captain Aiakos: Jump, cut “Any effects that prevent charging also prevent this model from using Jump.”
Captain Rahera, Terror of the Wailing Sea: Hunter’s Mark, change the third sentence to:
“A friendly model charging or power attack slamming an enemy model hit by Hunter’s Mark gains +2 SPD while resolving the charge or slam”
Defiled Archon: Burning Ash is now a hazard. Gains Command Range 10.
Desolator: Anathema is now a hazard.
Dreadguard Archers: Bow Blade is a melee weapon.
Druid Mist Riders: Gain Unstoppable.
Fane Knight Skeryth Issyen (Mounted): Gains a shield.
Flugwug the Filcher: Jump, cut “Any effects that prevent charging also prevent this model from using Jump.”
Gatorman Husk: Carnivorous Swarm is now a hazard.
Gorten Grundback: Eruption is now a hazard.
Iona the Unseen: Hunter’s Mark, change the third sentence to:
“A friendly model charging or power attack slamming an enemy model hit by Hunter’s Mark gains +2 SPD while resolving the charge or slam”
Kodiak: Vent Steam is now a hazard.
Kolgrima Stonetruth, Winter Witch: Freezing Mist is now a hazard. Hunter’s Mark, change the third sentence to:
“A friendly model charging or power attack slamming an enemy model hit by Hunter’s Mark gains +2 SPD while resolving the charge or slam”
Kommandant Sorscha Kratikoff: Dead of Winter templates are hazards.
Lanyssa Ryssyl, Nyss Sorceress: Hunter’s Mark, change the third sentence to:
“A friendly model charging or power attack slamming an enemy model hit by Hunter’s Mark gains +2 SPD while resolving the charge or slam”
Lord Exhumator Scaverous: Feast of Worms is now a hazard.
Lynus Wesselbaum & Edrea Lloryrr: Cut Edrea’s CTRL.
Omodamos, The Black Gate: Breath of Corruption is now a hazard.
Sentry Stone and Manikins: Replace the text of Natural Summons with:
“Once per turn at any time during its activation, this model can spend 1 fury point to use Natural Summons if there are fewer than three friendly Mannikin solos in play for each friendly Sentry Stone model in play. When it does, center place a Mannikin solo in play within 3″ of this model.”
Replace the text of Fury-Linked with the following:
“During its Combat Action, this model can spend fury points on a friendly Sentry Stone within 10″ of it to boost an attack or damage roll.”
Sir Dreyfus the Storm Knight: Jump, cut “Any effects that prevent charging also prevent this model from using Jump.”
Tharn Wolf Rider Champion: Jump, cut “Any effects that prevent charging also prevent this model from using Jump.”
The Four Horseymans: Pestilence is now a hazard.
Underchief Mire: Caustic Mist is now a hazard.
Tyrant Rhadeim: Jump, cut “Any effects that prevent charging also prevent this model from using Jump.”
Void Engine: Change the text of Void Induction to:
“When a friendly soulless model is disabled by an enemy attack while within 10″ of this model, this model can spend one power token to replace that model with a Wight model. You can have up to three friendly Wights in play at any time for each friendly Void Engine in play.”
Woldwight: FURY 2, THR –
Wolf Lord Morraig (Mounted): Gain Unstoppable.
Yssylla: Freezing Mist is now a hazard.
Buildings are obstruction terrain features that can be targeted with attacks and destroyed but are not considered to be models and are not friendly to either player. Buildings are placed on the table like any other terrain feature.
Buildings can be targeted by attacks like huge-based models. Buildings have DEF 5 and are automatically hit by melee attacks. Buildings gain +4 ARM against ranged attack damage rolls.
Buildings cannot be charged or power attack slammed.
If a building is destroyed, remove it from the table. Any models occupying a building when it is destroyed are removed from play.
Some buildings can be entered and occupied by units and solos. Leader models cannot enter buildings. Additional rules for inhabiting a building are listed on its card.
When a unit enters a building, all the models must enter it. If there is not room for all the bases of the models in a unit inside the building, the unit cannot enter it.
Placing Models inside a building
Some buildings or sections of buildings, like the lower level of the bunker, may not have spaces physically large enough to place models inside of them. In this case, instead of placing models inside the building, place them to the side off the table. Those models are still considered to be occupying the building.
Models/units can only exit a building by advancing during their Normal Movement. When a model/unit advances from a building during its Normal Movement, place the moving model in base contact with one of the building’s doors. The model can then make a full advance.
When a unit exits a building, place the remaining models in the unit after the moving model completes its advance as normal.
If a player has models occupying a building, their opponent cannot enter it.
While occupying a building, models gain Resistance: Blast, cannot be targeted or hit by spray attacks, and cannot be knocked down or moved by a slam or push. Models occupying a building always have cover.
Opponents cannot take control of models in buildings.
Templates and hazards cannot be centered inside a building or on models occupying a building. Models occupying a building are not affected by hazards centered outside the building. The line of sight of models occupying a building is still blocked by a cloud effect even if the cloud effect is also a hazard.
Models occupying a building cannot engage enemy models or be engaged. They cannot make melee attacks, special actions, or use feats.
Models outside a building cannot target models occupying it with melee attacks. A model outside a building cannot charge or slam power attack a model occupying a building.
When measuring line of sight to or from model in a building, use the volume of the building instead of the model’s own volume. A model outside of a building can draw line of sight to any model occupying a building if it can draw line of sight to the building.
When measuring distance to or from a model occupying a building to a model outside of the building, measure the range from the bottom edge of the building closest to the model outside of the building. This includes resolving attacks by models occupying a building targeting models outside of the building or models outside a building targeting models in it.
Example 1: A Stormthrower Legionnaire targets an Orgoth Jackal warjack with an Electrical Discharge ranged attack. The range of the attack is measured from the foundation of the building closest to the Jackal.
Example 2: Vyros, Incissar of the Dawnguard, has the Veteran Leader [Dawnguard] special rule, which says, “While within 10˝ of this model, other friendly Dawnguard models gain +1 to attack rolls.” When measuring distance from Vyros to a Dawnguard Sentinel model occupying a building to determine if the Sentinel is affected by Vyros’ Veteran Leader special rule, measure to the foundation of the building closest to Vyros. If the building is within 10˝, the Dawnguard Sentinel is affected by his Veteran Leader special rule.
If a model occupying a building is directly hit by an AOE attack, instead of resolving the attack as normal, all other models on the same floor as the target are hit and suffer blast damage from the attack, regardless of the size of the AOE.
A model occupying a building terrain feature cannot target another model occupying the same building with an attack for any reason.
While occupying a building, a model suffers –6 to its Control Range.
The Bunker has ARM 20 and 50 damage boxes.
The Bunker has the following special rules:
- Building: This terrain feature is a building.
- Habitable Bunker: Small- and medium-based units and solos can enter this building through a door on the lower level. A model/unit ending its Normal Movement within 1” of the door can choose to enter this building.
Models entering this building can be placed on either the lower or upper levels. Models in a unit occupying this building can be placed on either floor or both. There can be up to five small-based models or three medium-based models on each floor. There must be room for a model’s base for it to be placed on the top floor. - Movement Inside the Bunker: Models/units can use their Normal Movement to be placed on the top floor if they were previously on the lower floor or to be placed on the lower floor if they were on the top floor. Units using their Normal Movement to be placed are considered to have moved. Models cannot otherwise move or be placed while occupying inside the building.
- Top Floor: The upper level of this building is considered to be elevated terrain.
- Fortified Walls: Models cannot be targeted and do not suffer blast damage while occupying the lower level of the bunker.
Guard Tower RULES (IN APP)
Change the first sentence of the Habitable Guard Tower rule:
Habitable Bunker: Small- and medium-based units and solos can enter this building through a door on the lower level.
The post Hunker in a Bunker! appeared first on Privateer Press.