How to Play The Walking Dead: All Out War – Movement & Noise

Noise is one of the most important mechanics in The Walking Dead: All Out War and can make the difference between life and death. If you make a noise, you’ll potentially alert the flesh-hungry Walkers to your location, so they can shamble towards you and attack. Silence = safety.

When your Survivor performs an action that causes noise, the closest unengaged Walker within 10-inches will shamble directly towards them. A Walker shambles six-inches, which may not sound like a lot but you’ll be surprised by how close they can get!

There are different actions that cause Noise during the game. Sometimes it will be accidental, like when running, but other times you may intentionally make a noise to attract the Walkers.

Moving is the most common way to cause Noise. When you move a Survivor, you can either choose to Sneak four-inches, which makes no Noise, or you can Run eight-inches, which will make a Noise. Obviously Running is much quicker but it’s also more dangerous. So you need to ask: speed or safety?

If you choose to Run, the closest Walker within 10-inches will move immediately once you stop Running. As Walkers only move six-inches, it is possible to outrun them… but you can’t keep running forever!

You can also choose to make a Noise as one of your actions. Now, considering we’ve said that keeping quiet is a good way to stay alive, intentionally making a Noise might seem like the worst thing you can do.

However, sometimes a Survivor may intentionally make a Noise to attract a nearby Walker and clear a path for a fellow Walker. Or they could position themselves behind a rival and then make a Noise so the Walker is attracted to the enemy. Tactical use of Noise can be the key to winning the battle to survive.

In a future post, we’ll look at Mayhem and how that moves several Walkers at once, along with some other ways Noise plays a role in the game.

The Walking Dead: All Out War will be available in local gaming stores soon or you can order from the Mantic Games website.

The post How to Play The Walking Dead: All Out War – Movement & Noise appeared first on Mantic Blog.