How to play DreadBall with the Dreadball Academy series

With the brand new Limited Edition Azure Forest DreadBall game being reintroduced yesterday, we felt it was only prudent to take a look at just how you play DreadBall – The Futuristic Sports Game. Earlier last year roving report and all-round great chap James M. Hewitt (the M is silent don’t you know) went to our friends over at Beasts of War and recorded the DreadBall Academy Series –  a fantastic series of videos that explored the basics and more advanced forms of the Galaxy’s Greatest Sport. You can watch the full DreadBall Academy series here – and why not share your DreadBall tales of success (or woe) in the comments? We’d love to hear from you! The DreadBall Limited Edition: Azure Forest set, featuring exclusive Azure Forest gaming pitch, is now available to pre-order on the Mantic Games website.