Hard plastic Goblins (Forest, Common and Sci-Fi)

Shieldwolf Miniatures after the successful release of its newest hard plastic kits of the fantasy female paladins and the sci-fi female paladins, ventures on Kickstarter again to fund new hard plastic multi-part kits


This time it’s FOREST GOBLINS, DROTTS (COMMON GOBLINS) and DROTTCHINS (SCIENCE-FICTION GOBLINS). Hard – plastic, multipart, highly affordable and top quality miniatures as always.

Here’s some of the weaponry provided, but you can count on a whole lot more once the project starts unlocking it’s Stretch Goals.

Oh, did we mention that the cavalry is… wartoads?!

Before you ask, they will be available in both plastic and resin.
And oh my are they BIG, they stand on 50mm(!) round bases.
[Options for square bases will also be made available during the Pledge Manager].

More to come very soon, the project kicks this February, so only just a couple of weeks left!

Thank you.

The Shieldwolf Team.