Happy Holidays!
Can you believe we’re already going into the last weekend before Christmas? The nights are coming in earlier and earlier, there’s a definite chill in the air, and Stew came into the office today wearing a Santa hat. Yes, the signs are all there.
From tomorrow, we’re closed for the holidays. We’ll be opening again on Monday 6th January 2014. (Blimey, 2014!) If you have any queries, please head over to our Contact Page and get in touch – we’ll sort you out as soon as we can once we’re back in the office, but please be aware there’s likely to be a delay as we sift through the mountain of messages that have piled up.
Oh, and here’s something you’ll want to know – over at www.manticgames.com we’ll have an awesome sale kicking off on Boxing Day, so make sure you head over there to get your hands on some great deals! You know how we like to do things here at Mantic, so get yourself ready for some insanely good value!
With the Deadzone boxed game sold out (but plenty of other bits still available) people have been asking about what’s happening in February. The answer is easy – loads more Deadzone! Plenty of goodies will be available from the Mantic website and from gaming stores across the world. We’ll have the boxed game back up for sale, along with faction starter sets, booster packs that let you customise your force, scenery packs (hooray!) and more Mercenaries. Keep watching the blog for more information closer to the time. Of course, before that we’ve got something new for DreadBall fans in January…

A’teo Adysi, “The Savage”
Right! I’m off to drink some mulled wine and gorge on mince pies. I’ll see you all in the new year!