Handy with a brush?
Mantic’s time at Mantic House on Greasley Street is coming to an end and soon the adventure will continue at our sparkly new headquarters at Hempshill Lane in Nottingham. We’re looking for a crew to paint the offices of our beautiful new building on 12th April 2014.
Concept for our new office interiors. My bunk is top middle. Fisty Glue Man resides top right…
So if you are 18+ and have good DIY skills why not come for the day and get a first peek at our new base. As well as being fed and watered you’ll receive:
• a voucher worth £50 towards any Mantic products
• an exclusive ticket which allows you to attend the post Open Day staff games night
• our grateful thanks!
If this is you, come back to [email protected] quickly and come join us for the day. All paints, brushes etc will be provided – all you need is yourself!