Terrain support will be coming to the WARMACHINE app soon, allowing you to select terrain elements you’re using in a match so their rules show up with the rest of your force information for easy reference, as well as allowing you track damage on the terrain feature if it is damageable.
For now, here are the final rules for the recently released Guard Tower, which will appear in the app in the next few weeks.
The Guard Tower is an obstruction terrain feature that can be targeted with attacks and destroyed, but is not considered to be a model and is not friendly to either player. The Guard Tower is placed on the table like any other terrain feature.
The Guard Tower has the following special rules:
- Destroyable: The Guard Tower can be targeted by attacks. It has DEF 5, ARM 20, and 40 damage boxes. The Guard Tower is automatically hit by melee attacks. The Guard Tower gains +4 ARM against ranged attack damage rolls. If the Guard Tower is destroyed, remove it from the table.
- Habitable: Small and medium-based warrior models can enter the Guard Tower through a door on the lower level. A model/unit ending its Normal Movement within 1” of the door can choose to enter the Guard Tower. When a unit enters the Guard Tower, all models in the unit must be placed inside the Guard Tower.
Models entering the Guard Tower can be placed on either the lower or upper levels. Models in a unit in the Guard Tower can placed on either floor or both. There can be up to five small-based models or three medium-based models on each floor. There must be room for a model’s base for it to be placed on either floor. If there is not room for all the models in a unit to be placed within the Guard Tower, the unit cannot move into the Guard Tower.
If the Guard Tower is destroyed any models in the Guard Tower are also destroyed. Models destroyed due to the destruction of the Guard Tower do not generate soul tokens.
- Movement Inside the Guard Tower: Models/units can use their Normal Movement to be placed on the top floor if they were previously on the lower floor or to be placed on the lower floor if they were on the top floor. Units using their Normal Movement to be placed are considered to have moved. Models cannot otherwise move or be placed while inside the Guard Tower.
- Exiting the Guard Tower: Models/units can only exit the Guard Tower by advancing during their Normal Movement. When a model/unit advances from the Guard Tower during their Normal Movement, measure the advancing model’s movement from the door of the Guard Tower.
- Barring the Door: If a player has models in the Guard Tower, their opponent cannot enter the Guard Tower.
- Defensive Position: While inside the Guard Tower, models gain Resistance: Blast and cannot be knocked down or moved by a slam or push.
- Combat From the Tower: Models inside the Guard Tower cannot engage enemy models or be engaged. They cannot make melee attacks, special actions, or use feats. Models outside the Guard Tower cannot target models inside it with melee attacks.
When a model inside the Tower makes a ranged or arcane attack targeting a model outside of the Guard Tower, measure the range from base of the tower closest to the model being targeted. Additionally, attacks made by models on the top floor gain +4 RNG.
When a model outside the Tower targets a model inside the Tower with a ranged or arcane attack, measure the range to the base of the tower closest to the attacking model.
Models inside the Tower always have cover.
If a model inside the Tower is directly hit by an AOE attack, instead of resolving the attack as normal, all other models on the same floor as the target are hit and suffer blast damage from the attack regardless of the size of the AOE.
A model inside the Guard Tower cannot target another model inside the Tower with an attack for any reason.
- Elevation: The upper level of the Guard Tower is considered to be elevated terrain.
- Confined Control Range: While in the Guard Tower, a model suffers –6 to their Control Range.
The post GUARD TOWERS RULE appeared first on Privateer Press.