Get Free Mars Attacks Miniatures
Every set of Mantic Miniatures comes with a shiny red Mantic Point – collect ‘em, send ‘em, and we’ll give you free stuff in return.
Today we’ve updated the Mantic Points on offer to include Mars Attacks, meaning you can now get your hands on a number of exclusives you cannot buy in stores.
Pretty cool huh?
For the humans you have Don Manning and Esteban Ramires – they both feature in Mars Attacks: Humanity Resists, and Blaine, part of the Tiger Corps in Mars Attacks: Extermination. On the opposing side, there’s the Martian Zombie (whose rules are in the Limited Edition Compendium going live later this week!) and an alternative, aggressively posed Martian General Tor.
All of these figures come pre-assembled in coloured plastic so you don’t have to paint them, though as you can see above, we’ve painted ours.
So, how do you get yours?
What are Mantic Points?
1. Collect enough Mantic Points for your reward of choice – either 10 points for the Martian Zombie or 15 for the rest.
2. Pick what you want by selecting the item in our webstore and proceed through the checkout – note that you can add non-mantic point items to this order as well.
3. Post your Mantic Points to us here at Mantic:
Mantic House, 193 Hempshill Lane, Bulwell,
Nottingham, UK, NG6 8PF
How do I get Mantic Points?
• You normally get 1 Point for every 10 figure set, 2 Points for every 20 figure set and up to 4 Points per Army Set or Boxed Game.
• We give them away at shows and events.
• Also look out for them in a few other places too!
• Just send in your Mantic Points with your Mantic Points collection card (PDF opens in a new window). Simply collect either 10, 15 or 25 Mantic points depending on which reward you wish to claim.
Don’t Forget
If you’re sending in your points and selections via post, you need to include a nominal fee to cover postage and packing.
Postage is applied automatically in our checkout if ordering through the website. If you do pay online please remember to send in your points and order number.
Mars Attacks: Extermination is leading the new wave of Mars Attacks, which are all available to pre-order via your friendly local gaming store, or right here on the Mantic Webstore. With Giant Stompy Robots, Mutant Bugs and the World War expansion, there’s never been a better time to pick up Mars Attacks – The Miniatures Game! Find out more about Mantic Points here!