Gen khaann……zzzzz!

Another Gen Con in the bucket!  This was by far the best Gen Con to date for Mantic, so let’s wrap up.

First let’s talk events!  Pathfinder Mike Carter ran several play and learn Kings of War events with a total of 168 participants and a giant Mega-battle at 6000pts a side!  Much fun was had by all and our Kings of War shelf was nearly picked clean by all the people who played in the play and learn events!
Great job Mike!

Pathfinder Guy was in charge of our play and learn Deadzone events. While we didn’t run as many of these events as Kings of War there were still plenty of participants that enjoyed learning Deadzone.  Starter faction packs were picked clean at Gen Con.  Faction that sold out first….that’s right, Marauders!  Take that Rob and Jack of Deadzone the Podcast, known Marauder haters!

The other big Deadzone event was the 4 hour Deadzone campaign, Jane’s Gully.  Various forces descend on the mining town of Jane’s Gully to retrieve mysterious crates being held by the Plague forces!  Thanks to Pathfinder Bryan for running this event!  Look for it at Adepticon!

Friday was also our 2nd annual Gen Con Cup for Dreadball!  Results for that event:

1st: Shaun Grubaugh – Nameless
2nd: Kris Venzer – Nameless
3rd: Garrison Grubaugh – Void Sirens
Fan Favorite: Ed Daughenbaugh – Robots
Most Brutal: Joseph Zipperich – Teraton
Last Place: John Jack – Z’zor

Congratulations to all the winners and a special shout out to Pathfinder John Jack for bringing up the rear!

Friday and Saturday night found us at High Velocity bar chatting and showing patrons of Geek Nation Tours how to play Mars Attacks!  Much fun was had by all and GNT host Teras Cassidy was as nice as nice could be!  We also met Garrett Wang who played Ensign Kim from Star Trek Voyager.  Garrett was such a blast to be with and we were super stoked when he came by the booth to learn how to play Mars Attacks!

In the booth we had an awesome center display.  A giant cargo ship!  I’ve included a few of the pics in the gallery below.

The shelves were pretty picked clean by the end of the show thanks to all the efforts of our Pathfinders and our excellent sales team.  All around great job!

So another one in the bag. Some of us have recovered while some of us are still recovering but all in all it was a great Con and we look forward to seeing everyone again next year with a bigger booth, bigger displays, bigger events and great games!  See you at Adepticon folks!

Below is a gallery of the best photos we got, and we’ll share more in the coming weeks!
