Gen Con 2023 and the Unstoppable Privateer Presence
The con is on! From August 3–6, Privateer Press will return to Gen Con with all kinds of new releases to invade your tabletops and set your opponents up for the fall. (That’s a double entendre, kind of like the pairs we’re offering up this year!)
Gruesome Twosome: Magnus the Unstoppable and Invictus
He ain’t heavy—he’s my warjack.
No, wait, he is heavy. In fact, he’s super-heavy. Invictus is THE warjack of the season, and he’s a mean, lean fighting machine. And the mercenary Magnus is equally daunting, given that he’s always been a badass and is now an unstoppable badass. (That makes him badasser, right?) Check out the looks of these two heavy-hitting heavy hitters:
They belong together…
…but don’t underestimate either.
Yeah, they’re pretty—pretty scary, pretty mean—but what can they do? Funny that the gamer in you should ask…
How about that pretty penny, then? $69.99 for the pair (they’re inseparable, and we don’t mean that in a romantic way. I think.) If you won’t be present at Gen Con, Magnus and Invictus will be available to order through the Privateer Press Online Store starting next Thursday.
One if by Land, Two if by Sea: Dusk House Kallyss Starters and Brineblood Marauders Starters
While both the House Kallyss and Brineblood Marauders starters will be shipping out soon, we have managed to procure a small number to preview at Gen Con next week. Supplies are limited and expected to run out, so get them early if you plan to take them home with you from the show.
The eldritch are coming—though they’re not quite themselves, of course. The Dusk House Kallyss Starters include:
- Hellyth, Scyir of Nightfall (warcaster)
- Ghast Light Warjack (4x Head 8x Arm/Weapon options)
- Eidolon Heavy Warjack (7x Head 3x Arm/Weapon options)
- Soulless Guardian Unit (5 models)
- Soulless Hunters Unit (5 models)
- Dreadguard Slayer Unit (3 models)
- Seeker Adepts (3 models)
- Seeker Wardens ( 2 models)
- Void Shaper
And if it’s open waters you want, it’s pirates you’ll get! The Brineblood Marauders Starters include:
- Captain Firequill, warlock
- Reef Troll, light warbeast
- Deepborn Dire Troll, heavy warbeast
- Marauder Crew, unit (x2)
- Pyg Boarding Party, unit
- Galley Crew, unit
- Bosun, command attachment
- Quartermaster, command attachment
- Surgeon, solo
Each army sells for $199.99, but you’ll want to get these starters before they’re finished!
Twice as Much Fun in Person: Games, Demos, and the Booth!
Want to see the schedule and what you can still sign up for? Have a look at this Insider from earlier in the month with the links to fill you in: https://home.privateerpress.com/2023/07/18/gen-con-are-you-ready/
We’ll have a robust crew on hand to play games with you, demo the ones you don’t know yet, and help you load up on painting projects and table-topping miniatures for the rest of 2023! With WARMACHINE, the Iron Kingdoms Roleplaying Game, Monsterpocalypse, and Warcaster at your disposal, we hope you brought an extra suitcase to get it all home! Come visit us Gen Con booth #429 and say hey to the crew!
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