GamingFunder.com launches on the 5th May.
On the 5th May 2014 GamingFunder.com launches with the Relics Reinforcements 2 project from Tor Gaming.
What is GamingFunder.com?
GamingFunder.com is a crowdfunding platform set up specifically for the gaming industry. Whether it’s board games, card games, wargames, RPGs or computer games and anything in between – GamingFunder.com is a platform designed and built specifically for these projects.
The platform will bring many advantages for projects run on it including project based community centres, making interacting between project owners and backers easier.
For successful project using the ‘All or Nothing’ the site will charge a commission of just 2% allowing the projects to keep more of their pledges!
The site will launch on the 5th May. The first project will be the Relics Reinforcements 2 project and the site will then open up to other projects shortly afterwards.
Anyone interested in running a project on the site can email them on [email protected]
What is Relics?
Relics is our 28mm scale unit skirmish tabletop wargame. It’s a game of striking visuals as we take ever effort to ensure the term ‘cookie cutter’ can’t be applied to what we do!
The rules system has some key points that make the game interesting, fun and different. With exciting tension built into the activation sequence and the core dice mechanic makes use of doubles for successes taking the games dice mechanic probabilities away from the boring, predictable target based systems.
What is the Relics Reinforcements 2 project?
This project is being run by Tor Gaming with the aim to fund the productions of a new terrain piece (usable as objectives in our scenarios), exclusive model and the remaining profiles in the rulebook. If we do well, we will also create faction objective markers as well as game tokens.
If the project is successful enough, they will move onto previously unseen profiles for all four existing projects!