Final Sculpt for SHATTERED EARTH’s Aurora Unveiled
Massive Awesome have today unveiled the final sculpt for Aurora, the Light of Progress, in their first post-Kickstarter update. Aurora is a unique character for the Humanist Rebellion faction, and comes complete with a wing-based ‘glide’ unit, wrist-mounted Shard Projector, and an esoteric piece of Etheric-technology called a Neural Lash. The sculpting was done by James Cain based on concept art by Klaus Wittmann.
Massive Awesome will also be in attendance at Salute 2016 at the ExCeL Centre in London on Saturday April 16th, where they will be displaying their current range of Shattered Earth miniatures, plus running demo games on a custom-made board. Why not swing by booth TK19 and check out the game?