Fight on every battlefield, win everywhere – with Playmaty and Hexy-Shop!

Playmaty a Polish company producing game mats at a very high level. Among them you will find really varied game environments, from desert areas to the surfaces of distant planets and outer space! You can use these mats in almost in any miniatures battle games.

Their products are beautiful, really detailed and realistic, but above all highly resistant to any damage. We hope that a large variety of designs and all above arguments are enough to interest you in their products.

But – we have one more important information! Playmaty recently prepared a big surprise for all customers – each mat that you can buy is now two-sided! And all this without changing the price
So now buying one game mat you gets two patterns that you can use as needed.

In our offer you will find many of universal latex mats in three standard sizes (36 “x 36“, 48 “x 48, 72 “x 48“), 2D terrain elements, as well as completely new products: mats dedicated to particular games (Malifaux, X-Wing).


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