Blood and Battle; The Feral Nexus Take To The Field
Greetings wargamers,
We’ve got another Icarus Miniatures concept preview for you. Today we’re looking at the feral nexus:
“Long before they ventured into space, the ancient Nexus lived in tribes, constantly waging war against one another.
Some of this ancient barbarism survives through the feral Nexus. After being quelled by the Praesidians after their first contact, the more vicious members of the species were outcast, sent to Nexus’ second moon and cut off. Over generations they reverted to the old ways of tribal war.
When Varakos and the Nexus Separatist Movement declared war on the alliance, the general returned to the second moon and tracked down the leader of these feral Nexus. After besting the leader in combat, Varakos enslaved his feral kin and turned them towards his enemies.
The feral Nexus are now used as spearhead troops. They care little for their lives, simply relishing in the bloodshed. This makes them perfect for the first wave in an assault.
On the battlefield, the feral Nexus are unpredictable. They are deadly warriors, but are prone abandoning the battle to feast on the fallen. Even among most Nexus, this is considered disgusting (though there are a number who eat the flesh of sentient creatures in secret), but it is tolerated because of the effect it has on enemy morale. “
The Feral Nexus will be another unit in the Nexus Starter set, along with the previously shown Grunts.
You can learn more about the Nexus’ feral kin HERE.
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