FAITH: A Garden in Hell reaches funding goal, stretch goals announced!

FAITH: A Garden in Hell has reached its funding goal on Kickstarter with still 17 days to go, and now the campaign aims to unlock some cool stretch goals before reaching the finish line:

  • £11,500: the campaign gets +4 pages of lore and a detailed map depicting the Alterant’s Tower, the home of a powerful enemy scientist.
  • £13,000: the campaign gets +4 pages of lore and a detailed map of the Gamma Camp and its surroundings, the HQ of the Coalition forces.
  • £14,000: five new Boss cards are added to the Relic Harvester pledge for free, and made available  as an add-on for the rest. The Boss Cards depict dangerous enemies that players will need to overcome in their adventure. 

The Maneater is one of the five boss cards that will be unlocked as stretch goals

Faith: A Garden in Hell is an RPG starter set in a box that includes a full blown campaign with an introductory scenario for beginner GMs and players. Just as other Faith products, it features artwork created by some of the best artists in the industry and everything comes cards, from NPCs to gear and pieces of equipment.

FAITH’s first ever, limited-edition miniature is also available in the Kickstarter as part of the RELIC HARVESTER pledge level. Scroll down in the campaign to find it!

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