Exotic Warbands: 28mm fantasy warriors Kickstarter – Menhir Games


Bring exotic warriors and magic weilders from around the world to your games! Mercenaries, bodyguards, friends or foes, is up to you!

“Exotic Warbands: Warriors from around the world” is a project that seek funds to bring to the wargaming market 28mm metal miniatures featuring fantasy races whose designs are inspired by real world historical cultures from “exotic” regions of the world, in addition to the classical ones.

At the same time, these factions and their mythological-inspired counterparts belongs to Magrieb, the fantasy setting from Menhir Games under development, you can find more information here:


In previous campaigns, characters/champions were produced thanks to the backers; now we want to produce troops and Channellers (magic users/weilders) for the first 4 factions: Akkirian Elves, Hassimi Dwarves, Uyghurd Orcs and Rössian Humans.

In addition to the physical miniatures, we will offer as add-ons the 3D files: the digital version of the miniatures, as well a “Cult place” terrain set for each one of the 4 factions, in .STL format for personal/home 3D printing.