Edge of the Abyss Kings of War Campaign Starts Monday
Something is stirring in the east… the Abyss is opening. The denizens of this terrible place are spewing forth across Mantica, wreaking havoc wherever their foul touch is felt. Meanwhile, those who worship the Abyss or revel in madness, have been emboldened by its awful energy and are striking throughout the land.
Yet, all is not lost. Sensing the affront to Nature, the enigmatic Green Lady has issued a rallying cry throughout the land. Those who wish to stop the spread of the Abyss must put aside their differences and join together. Will the alliance hold or will it crumble under the threat of Evil? Only you can decide!
We’re finally here! The Edge of the Abyss campaign starts Monday, August 21st. This is a chance for YOU to shape the narrative in Kings of War. Will you strike fear into its inhabitants as an army of darkness? Or will you protect the innocent from being enslaved by the wicked fiends emerging from the Abyss? From Monday we’re going to start collecting the results of your Kings of War battles and they will be used to decide what happens next!
The guys at Beasts of War are currently busy putting the final touches to a super slick campaign hub where you’ll be able to upload battle reports, unlock achievements, create a profile page for your store or club and lots, lots more! The Edge of the Abyss campaign hub will be ready September 4th and you can see a preview below.
To make sure that the campaign hub launches with a bang (and you can immediately see what factions are winning different locations), we will be gathering the results of your battles from Monday! We can then upload all this data to Beasts of War to ensure there are already plenty of battle results from day one.
Simply email your results to [email protected] from Monday and we’ll begin tracking the battles. In your report, make sure you clearly state:
- Location of the battle
- Armies that took part
- Points size of each side
- Which side won
- Victory points/attrition points at the end of the game
- Three pictures of the game in action
For those playing as The Brotherhood or when using Jarvis to front a ‘good’ Undead army, your results will count towards victories or losses for The Kingdoms of Men. That’s right, The Brotherhood may have taken a beating, but these plucky underdogs are fighting back under the banner of the Kingdoms of Men. Hoo-hah!
Also, please feel free to send in more detailed battle reports that include more pictures and we’ll start sharing those on the Mantic Blog from next week. So, we’ll see you Monday ready for six weeks of Kings of War madness!
The post Edge of the Abyss Kings of War Campaign Starts Monday appeared first on Mantic Blog.