Dystopian Legions FAQ

The launch of the Dystopian Legions 2.0 rule book, which came out with the exciting Iron Scorpion two player boxed set, is the foundation for a whole new beginning for the Spartan Games tabletop skirmish game set in the hugely popular world of Dystopian Wars.

Iron Scorpion introduced the Republic of France and Covenant of Antarctica forces to Legions battlefields, and uses the 2.0 rule set to transport you to the warm sands of North Africa. But this is just the beginning, and we have a lot planned for the future, and 2015 is going to see Dystopian Legions truly come into its own!


To kick things off we have generated a FAQ document for the 2.0 rulebook. We’ve been watching the forums and following the questions, and we’ve put together a document that we hope clears up any confusions or queries you may have. In all cases the FAQ supersedes the rules in the printed book. There are clarifications on a whole range of questions, from the Hit the Deck special action to a variety of MARs and special situations.

Dystopian Legions FAQ [PDF, 0.6MB]

We’ll be posting a thread in the forums to gather any more questions you might have. Keep an eye on the date stamp on the file name, and in the header of the document itself. Keep watching the Spartan Blog and forums, as more to do with Legions will be making an appearance soon…


Until the next time: sweep the enemy before you, and may victory be yours!