Dusk Battlegroup Corrections
It was brought to our attention this weekend that there were a couple of errors in our online store information for the Dusk House Kallyss preview battlegroup. First, the text description in the store entry incorrectly stated that preview battlegroup included five arm weapons entries for the Eidolon heavy warjack when, in fact, the kit actually includes six arm weapons for the Eidolon. However, the image displaying the contents of the kit included the render of a left arm weapon holding a short sword that was dropped from the kit before it went into production.
The errors in the store entry are shown here:
The correct weapon and head configurations for both Dusk House Kallyss warjacks in the preview battlegroup in their assembly diagrams are shown here:
The entry on the online store has been updated and now displays the correct text and visual information. Our apologies for any confusion that might have occurred due to these errors.
Preview Battlegroup Fulfillment
Regarding the fulfillment of the Dusk House Kallyss preview battlegroups, we have heard from some customers in the UK who wonder why we are not shipping those battlegroups directly from there. While that certainly would seem like a more logical approach to fulfillment, the reality is that on the current timeline, fulfilling from the UK is not yet an option. Our partnership with the manufacturer in the UK is, at this point, just a handful of weeks old; in order for them to ship orders directly from the UK, we have to equip them with packaging, bases, and any other materials needed to pack out the products. Additionally, they need to build a team around packing and fulfilling these products for a third party on an ongoing basis, so this is something that we are working toward, but it takes time to put such preparations in place. We’re aiming for the middle of first quarter next year to be able to start fulfilling orders directly from the UK.
A new build of the app will be submitted in the next 24 hours for review, and Match Play is expected to be available by Wednesday. Our previous timeline predicted November 8th, but depending on the app review time, we feel Wednesday is more likely for it to be live. We’ll make an announcement through social media channels once it becomes available!
The post DUSK PREVIEW BATTLEGROUP CORRECTION and QUICK APP UPDATE appeared first on Privateer Press.