Dungeon Saga Week kicks-offs with Unboxing


Welcome to Dungeon Saga week, Adventurer.

If this is your first time discovering the world of Dungeon Saga: The Dwarf King’s Quest, we recommend you brush up on your lore and cast your eye over these ancient texts (or in other words, check out these blog posts we did for the first Dungeon Saga week!)

Dungeon Saga week kicked off with a weekend of videos dedicated to Dungeon Saga on Beasts of War. We’ll be posting each of these up across this week, in turn, starting with the Dungeon Saga Unboxing video. This video takes a look through all of the content inside – from the step-by-step instructional guide to the dungeon furniture and doors that breathe life into the dungeon itself, to the beautifully made miniatures you’ll game with.

That, and it’s all packaged in the stunning tome box, a marvel in its own right.

This video brings about the start of a week dedicated to looking at Dungeon Saga, culminating in a question and answer session on Friday.

Simply post your Dungeon Saga questions in the comments on this blog below, and we’ll collect them all up and answer them on Friday. Get posting!

This week:

  • Designing your own Dungeon
  • Exploration – will it be Temple or Tavern this time?
  • The Adventurer’s Companion – Discover more of what rests in this epic adventure book.
  • The Return of Valandor: The first previews of Dungeon Saga’s first narrative expansion.
  • Question and Answer Session

Stay tuned to Dungeon Saga week Adventurer – but first…

Become Legendary

Dungeon Saga features character progression, and there are now miniatures to depict our band of heroes in their Legendary states:


These miniatures are metal and require assembly, and so are recommended for experienced hobbyists.

Each adventurer is represented with the new equipment, skills and in the case of the wizard, facial hair, they gain during their adventure. There are many ways to outfit your characters in the game, with equipment and new items available and a wide range of Equipment cards showing off their effects – more on them later in the week.

Let us know what you think of the Unboxing video and the Legendary figures, and make sure you leave us your Dungeon Saga questions for the answer session in the comments!

Dungeon Saga: The Dwarf King’s Quest is now available to pre-order from your local gaming store and the Mantic website. It begins shipping in October.

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