Dungeon Saga Kickstarter launching Monday 4th August!
After weeks of questing and adventuring, you guys have successfully collected all of the Dwarfen Runes – great work!
But for what purpose?
Well, firstly they reveal that the Dungeon Saga Kickstarter launches Monday 4th August at 1:30pm BST.
Secondly, our resident Dwarf Bartender Hordin Goldstone has studied them in great details and has translated them. He has deciphered this passkey:
Enter the secret word here to discover more about Dungeon Saga: The Dwarf King’s Quest and learn the mysteries within! (please note that the passkey is case sensitive!)
Look out for more on the Dungeon Saga: The Dwarf King’s Quest Kickstarter next week on the blog. Looking forward to seeing you for the launch, Monday 4th August at 1:30pm BST!