DreamForge Grav-StuG -RELAUNCH- up to 50.9% off
Why relaunch, what has changed?
By allowing plastic tooling to do what it does best; making perfect copies in large volume I can reduce the cost of each kit with a relatively minor impact to the total funding goal required.
Most of the costs for this campaign are tied up in paying for the tools… Making more copies of the kit is a lesser expense comparatively. Spreading the substantial fixed costs of the tooling over a greater number of kits is a way for me to add value without adding risk to my backers.
I am aware that many of the UE/UK customers will have to contend with VAT or import taxes and that those fees may be something of an impediment. By reducing the price per kit significantly, I can absorb most or all of those fees within the kit price. Providing my backers with a better value, with an eye to gathering a larger backer base.
Why did I not do this before?
I based my price point on the number of kits I felt could reasonably sell.
In the previous launch, the costs were calculated with a total number of 1200 of kits sold. The estimate of 1200 total kits were driven by my understanding of past campaigns, my known customer base and a survey regarding this kit, sent out last September. Although the 1200 total may have been a reasonable estimate, it drove the price per kit higher than I would have liked.
The last campaign was relatively close~ 998 total kits backed, 83% funded $46,484 dollars raised. Close enough that I felt one more run was warranted, with some adjustments to price to make it more attractive or palatable for those who must look at their tax burden when a kit arrives.
This campaign has been targeted with a total of 1800 kits sold. Lowering the price per kit substantially to drive volume and still fund the campaign in a way that I can deliver with confidence.
I have complete confidence in this kit, its design and the quality I will deliver.
I have complete confidence that these kits are well priced and reflects a true value.
Discounts ranging from 38.2% to 50.9% for non retail backers.
Retailer level packs priced at 56.4% to 67.3% off.