DreadBall Xtreme Example Rush available for download now!!!
We have been making a lot of noise recently about DreadBall Xtreme and why it’s so great. With that in mind, we thought we would take the time to put together an example rush for you!
In this starter guide we will take you through a demonstration of a DreadBall Extreme rush and help you get to grips with your first steps into this adrenaline packed, blood soaked variant of DreadBall.
So, for those of you who have backed the Kickstarter and already have your copy of DreadBall Xtreme, go grab the contents of your boxed game and follow the example rush step by step! But don’t worry if you don’t have your copy yet, you can use any models you already have to get a feel for the game.
Head over to our website to download the DreadBall Xtreme Example Rush.
DreadBall Xtreme is available for pre-order now! Head over to the Mantic website to secure your copy.
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