Dreadball Season Two overview
Much like my earlier overview of Season One’s teams, Season Two’s teams are just as great!
A little about the Season Two book first
Along with the other four teams, there are additional rules introduced in the Season Two book, including Cheerleaders and coaches.
Four more new teams
Human (Void sirens)
Agile, nimble and much like their male counterparts, the best humans in the whole of Dreadball, the Void Sirens grace and agility belie thier pure steel. They are reliant on their jacks, running interference, which is why there are less guards in the team. Damage wise, they’re less likely to do lots of injuries, but will definitively punch a hole through most defences.
Judwan (Pelgar Mystics)
The Judwan team have no jacks or guards – they simply try to outplay and outmanoeuvre the other team, giving them a placid, and peaceful nature that belies a massively tactical. It’s been reported that their games end in landslides, but it’s a unique team to play.
Robots (Chromium Chargers)
What makes our robot team so unique is they can switch type at the spending of an action point. The rules explain more, but robots are about versitility and unpredictable play. They’re a really hard team to go up against if you’re not sure of your own tactics, but really satisfying both to play and beat.
Z’Zor Locust City Chiefs
Of all the teams, the Z’Zor are the most unusual. Insectoid, their play style is hard to define – fearsome Jacks, and an intimidating presence, there’s lots of ways this team can create an amazing impression.