With just over 9 hours to go, doors have been unlocked (or possibly smashed, depending on how you see the speed they went at), legendary heroes have heard our pleas. The Green Tide is locked and loaded. And now, the Tyrant of Halpi is rising.
Hordin doesn’t have much to say about this one – in fact, he’s closed up shop entirely.
So, I guess it’s down to me to tell you about what will happen if we reach $925K, and how you can nudge that total up, even if you’re already in for the main game.
Still on the fence about the mechanics – nip on over to Quirkworthy and check in with Jake, then head back and pledge. Don’t miss this though – there’s so many Kickstarter exclusives that you’ve GOT to join in.
The Tyrant of Halpi…Karrathor, the Unbroken.
What can I say about this guy other than he’s one of the most incredible models in the box. And if we get to $925k, we get a whole expansion built around him!
Ready to play, he’ll terrify the life out of any adventurer going up against him, and make a great foe for your own dungeon designs.
Add-ons all the way
So, if you’re already in and want to get us closer to the dragon… Look at all of our add-ons and see if there’s anything that takes your fancy. There are a lot of add-ons, from expansions to extra pieces, t-shirts, dice, the works!
Look forward to seeing you on the other side!