Doctor Who: The Silence
The Silence
Known by the Doctor as Silents, these genetically engineered 7 foot tall mouthless creatures are confessional priests of the Church of the Silence. Anyone looking at a Silent will immediately forget them the moment they looked away, meaning sinners could make their confessions without remembering they had done so afterwards.
Silents are capable of obliterating enemies by absorbing electrical energy from the air and discharging it from their hands at a vastly more potent level. They are incredibly resilient creatures and strong enough to smash down reinforced barriers with their elongated hands.
The Doctor Who’s Enemies:
Single-minded in their pursuit of the law, _these black armoured Rhinoceroid bipeds serve as a mercenary intergalactic police force affiliated to the Shadow Proclamation.
The Doctor brokered a perfect peace between the Zygons and Humanity, wiping their memories of who was Zygon and who was Human. With millions of Zygons living on Earth in the guise of ordinary Humans it can only be hoped the fragile peace holds or there will be truth or consequences…
Into The Time Vortex
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