Display Tau by Awaken Realms

Hello there,

Recently we had a real Tau invasion – they came with their best technology, most advanced battlesuits, Remora drones and Barracuda aircrafts, with bursting, technologically advanced weaponry and alien, high-tech equipment. Their camouflage painted vehicles laid waste to an Imperial outpost, on which rubble leftovers the surveillance servo-skulls captured pictures of the attacking force.

Imperial Commanders pointed out the radiating patterns on the alien weaponry, camo pattern that let them blend into the urban environment and appear unnoticed until it was too late.

Watch the captured pictures with Imperial Commanders and see the magnificence of the Tau superior technology!

It was a great project for us to paint – not only the idea of camo pattern and high-technology, radiating patterns covering parts of the vehicles and heat glow complement each other nicely, but also we had a plenty of time to go wild on the models to bring out the best quality we could offer, results of what you may see below – we took the photos from various angles for you to better see the models from each side. I hope that you like them.

What do you think of the models?
