Department 56? But isn’t that for grandma?
Many moons ago, when I lived in the Twin Cities, there was a Department 56 store at the Mall of America. Now, you might be wondering what snow villages have to do with wargaming. Well, they have a lot in common really, if you get creative. For me, they were the cheapest source of static grass, trees, and other terrain accessories around. is now carrying a limited selection of Department 56 items we think wargamers and miniature hobbyists will find useful. And we plan to carry these items year around
10 trees ranging in size from 1.5 to 8 inches, only $12.50
They come with small resin bases. Use as is for a wintery look, or drybrush green for a more summer look.
Here’s an example what you can do with them:
Another useful item is the cobblestone street, which has a stone texture printed on fabric. Can easily be drybrushed for a more realistic effect. 4.75″ by 48″ long, only $9.50.
And another favorite of mine; perfect for your RPG graveyard, temple, or wargaming terrain. Ddiecast wrought iron fencing, 3″ long by 2″ high. 18 inches of fencing for $17.50. Glue them to pieces of flocked card for more stability. Durable, won’t break like resin or plastic versions.
You can see all of our Department 56 offerings here.