Demigod Games presents Horus – Egyptian God
Welcome to the first post by Demigod Games on Bell of los Souls game Wire.
We are a small start-up based in Australia and for our first game we are releasing a full size table top wargame called Conquest of the Gods. Conquest of the Gods is a new exaggerated 28mm scale mythological/historical tabletop wargame. We have designed many fun and interesting elements into Conquest of the Gods including a unique fog of war game mechanic. The miniatures range will initially feature 4 armies, with more to be added in future planned expansion books. The initial range will release Japanese, Egyptian, Greek and Norse armies. Each army will contain historical units, mythological creatures and gods for each culture.
We have previewed a number of miniatures over at our development blog
The latest preview we have to share are renders of the soon to be prototyped Horus miniature. Horus is a 50mm scale metal miniature that will be released as part of our upcoming crowd funding campaign.
We will be crowd funding Conquest of the gods in the coming months and encourage you to check out our website and social media pages (all linked from our home page). For more info visit us over at